Ingager Breakfast Club 6: Will AI Replace All Jobs Within SoMe?

Your LinkedIn feed is most likely full of self-acclaimed AI experts preaching that the world is undergoing a massive transformation – but is it really and how does it affect us working with SoMe? During Ingager Breakfast Club the 19th of April Ingager’s experts Simon Beyer and Johannes Stålnacke-Nero discussed the future of SoMe in an AI-fueled world.

  • How does AI impact your everyday life working in SoMe?
  • What actions can be taken to adapt to a world filled with AI solutions?
  • Will your job disappear as a result of AI? The topics mentioned above, and many more, were discussed in an interactive session.

If you have any questions in regards to Ingager Breakfast Club or the topic, please e-mail Sofia Bååth (

Ingager Breakfast Club 5: The Keys to Succeed With Your Organic SoMe Presence in 2023

The algorithm is constantly changing, new features are introduced and video is a must have – how do we succeed with our organic social media channels in 2023 and what should our strategy look like?

During Ingager Breakfast Club the 22nd of March Ingager’s experts Evelina Donatello and Elvira Holmberg walked the guests through how to succeed with their organic social media presence in 2023. They covered how to build long lasting relationships with customers, how to communicate our brand’s identity and how to analyze the data.

If you have any questions in regards to Ingager Breakfast Club or the topic, please e-mail Sofia Bååth (

Ingager Breakfast Club 4: Data and creativity – together they create real results

The artsy creative and the numbers focused analytic. Historically these two marketing disciplines haven’t seen eye to eye. On one hand the marketing needs to be creative to cut through the noise, while simultaneously driving conversions. Today we have access to unprecedented amounts of data. The key to succeed with our marketing in 2023 is to leverage the data and have the creativity and the data working closely together.

During Ingager Breakfast Club on February 15 2023 we walked our guests through how to do this. Ingager’s experts Johannes Stålnacke Nero, Team Manager Content, and Fanny Hammarlund, Team Manager Performance, hosted the seminar.

If you have any questions in regards to Ingager Breakfast Club or the topic, please e-mail Sofia Bååth (

Ingager Breakfast Club #3: The SoMe trends to be on the lookout for in 2023

Being a first mover has historically proven to be a winning strategy. Now that tougher times are upon us, it is more important than ever. What trends in 2023 must we marketers jump on? And who should we wait with? On December 8 2023 in Stockholm, Ingager’s experts Johannes Stålnacke Nero, Team Lead Content, and Fanny Hammarlund, Team Manager Performance, gave the audience a sneak peek of the most important SoMe trends to be aware of in the new year.

If you have any questions in regards to Ingager Breakfast Club or the topic, please e-mail Sofia Bååth (



Ingager Breakfast Club #2: What is the Metaverse, and why should we care?

Metaverse is on everyone’s lips, but what is it and how does it affect us? All the big tech giants are investing heavily in technology. Meta invests $10 billion a year and is so sure that Metaverse is the next big thing that they renamed the entire company. Metaverse may not be ready for the masses yet, but it could very well be the next big shift in technology. As marketers, we need to understand the new technology. During the Ingager Breakfast Club in Stockholm on November 10 2023, Fanny Hammarlund, Team Manager Performance and Johannes Stålnacke Nero, Team Lead Content, explained what Metaverse is, how it is used today and how it could be used in the future.

If you have any questions in regards to Ingager Breakfast Club or the topic, please e-mail Sofia Bååth (

Ingager Breakfast Club 1: The Keys to Success as a Marketer on TikTok

TikTok is growing at an unprecedented pace. The app has over 1 billion users, and it’s not just young people. Over 40% of users are over 25. Soon, TikTok will be an obvious part of any company’s marketing strategy. But how do you succeed on the platform? During the very first Ingager Breakfast Club on September 28 2022 in Stockholm, Ingager’s experts Hoai Nguyen, Senior Content & TikTok Specialist and Ludwig Svensson, Senior Performance Marketer gave the audience the keys to success with both content and advertising on the platform.

If you have any questions in regards to Ingager Breakfast Club or the topic, please e-mail Sofia Bååth (