Smart ladies rooms by Alibaba – What’s new?

News you want to use week 7.

Instagram introduces Shoppable Ads – What’s new?

News you want to use week 7.

Amazon Prime includes Whole Foods – What's new?

News you want to use week 7.

ASOS boost sales by new concept – What’s new?

News you want to use week 6.

Amazon was the big winner in Q4 – What’s new?

News you want to use week 6.


More local news on Facebook – What's new?

News you want to use week 6.

Local gets increased relevence in a globalized world – What’s new?

News you want to use week 5.


Image Search is more important than you think – What’s new?

News you want to use week 5.


Snapchat will allow users to share public Stories – What's new?

News you want to use week 5.

Facebook's new algorithm

Last couple of weeks we have been reading a lot of reports and analysis regarding the change in algorithm. Nothing is yet confirmed but don’t be surprised if the changes will start to have a broader effect around mid February.