Interview with Ingager’s Chief Strategy Officer on digital marketing strategy

Rising interest rates, high inflation and lower demand from customers. When times are tough it’s crucial to have a clear digital marketing strategy. We’ve interviewed Charlotte Strinnholm, Chief Strategy Officer at Ingager to get her thoughts on the current market situation, how brands should adapt and why Ingager is launching a new strategy offer: Digital Marketing Strategy.

More and more companies are experiencing challenges related to the current market situation, how should they think and act?

In a market with reduced purchasing power, increased price sensitivity and increased competition, the requirements on effective digital marketing are increasing. Focus tends to shift towards short-term results, but without a clear strategy, this can be devastating. To be successful it is important to review current conditions, reallocate resources and to define clear boundaries for short-term adjustments. By doing so you will have greater opportunity to make informed decisions, streamline operational efforts and maximize the business value of digital marketing initiatives.

Ingager is launching a new strategy offering (Digital Marketing Strategy), is it needed?

In addition to the current market situation, we have also seen two clear trends in recent years. First, customers are asking for support in incorporating company-wide strategy with operational digital marketing activities. In addition, a more complex and competitive digital marketing landscape has created a context where an elaborate strategy can make the difference for success. So we see both a need and a demand.

What makes your strategy offering unique compared to the competition?

One of Ingager’s main USPs is our close collaboration between Performance and Content, providing measurable results but also cross-functional insight and knowledge. By adding the strategy perspective, we gain additional leverage in the assignments for our clients. The launch of the Digital Marketing Strategy offering also enables us to support our clients all the way; from strategy definition, to implementation and execution of digital marketing activities.

How does Ingager view the future and what are you most looking forward to?

We see an exciting future ahead, where digital marketing becomes more central, but also more complex. Our goal is to maximize the success of our clients, and I am looking forward to the opportunity for a broader dialogue with new, existing and former clients.

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